

Sustainability at cloopio

Through a cooperation with Squake, we offer our customers the possibility to compensate the CO₂ emission emitted by the planned offsite. For this purpose, we calculate the CO₂ emission for the chosen offsite (this includes the overnight stay and, if included in the offer, the transfer) as part of the quotation process, as well as a price for offsetting this emission. This can then be added to the invoice on a voluntary basis and paid along with the amount for the offsite. After successful offsetting, we issue our customers with a certificate that serves as a tax deduction for the climate protection contribution.

About Squake

Squake is dedicated to making travel emission-free! That's why Squake helps us to provide carbon offsets, enabling our customers to reduce the climate impact of their travel. For more information on Squake, visit:

Our projects

Project 1: Darkwoods Forest Conservation


Located in south-eastern British Columbia, the project began in 2008 when the project developer purchased around 63,000 hectares (156,000 acres) of private Boreal forest to protect it from subdivision, high-impact logging and other environmental threats. The project zones and monitors different areas of the property and targets specific areas for: stringent biodiversity preservation by limiting/deactivating roads, infrastructure, and activity; public access; invasive species control, conservation research, and a low level of sustainable harvesting. The project leverages carbon finance to conserve critical ecosystems and carbon sequestration areas at an unprecedented scale.

The project delivers approximately 415,000 tonnes of emissions reductions annually to help take urgent action to combat climate change (SDG 13) by avoiding the release of carbon through timber harvesting, road building and other forestry operations. In addition, the project supports other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Life on Land (SDG 15): Due to the history of conservation-based management on the property, it is one of the most ecologically diverse forest areas in Canada. The project area is home to 39 tree or animal species at risk of extinction. The conservation of Darkwoods also protects the integrity of nearby protected lands, and helps to establish a corridor for a number of wide-ranging animals that smaller, fragmented pieces of land could not sustain. This includes an isolated population of grizzly bear: 26,000 grizzly bears inhabit the natural areas of British Columbia. This is more than 50% of Canada’s entire grizzly bears population. Even more notably, the area provides crucial winter habitat for the only remaining mountain caribou herd in the region, which rely on the lichen that grows only on old growth trees as well as large unfragmented forests for seasonal migrations. Southern mountain caribou numbers in British Columbia have declined by 1000 over the last thirty years.

Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6): With an impact on 17 different watersheds, several streams, and more than 50 lakes, Darkwoods is essential to maintaining freshwater systems across the mountainous area. Numerous plant and animal species, as well as local residents, have access to pure water thanks to the forests of Darkwoods, which also serve as natural water filters and purifiers. There have been ongoing net ecosystem services advantages, such as improved water quality, thanks to the restoration of damaged ecosystems and conservation of the project area.

Project 3: Water Filtration and Improved Cook Stoves in Guatemala


Given the high prevalence of diarrheal illness and chronic malnutrition, water-borne disease has been deemed a national priority in Guatemala. Over half of the rural population of Guatemala does not have access to water that is free from faecal or chemical contamination. This project, which distributes water filters and cook stoves, enables access to clean water and enhances cooking conditions all the while optimizing fuel efficiency and lowering dangerous indoor air pollution. The demand on national forests is lessened by the improved stove design with less need for fuel used in cooking, and filters that do not require boiling water for drinking. The project was the first Gold Standard certified of its kind in the country.

In addition to reducing emissions (SDG 13), several more sustainable development goals are covered; this aids in taking immediate action to address climate change now, as adaptation rates can be increased.

Good Health and Well-being (SDG 1): A filter can treat 2 liters of non-potable water per hour by using a gravity-fed ceramic filter comprised of clay, sawdust, colloidal silver, and carbon. It gets rid of 99% of germs, making the water safer for drinking and cooking, which lowers the risk of water-borne illness. It also cuts down the demand for fuel wood: The enhanced dispersed cook stoves burn biomass fuel more cleanly and effectively, lowering the amount of indoor air pollution that families—especially women—are exposed to.

No Poverty (SDG 1): Ecofiltro and a local NGO called Socorro Maya sell the enhanced cook stoves and water filters to homeowners. With an 18-month payment schedule that gives consumers access to interest-free loans, carbon financing makes them more accessible for low-income households. Families start saving on fuel wood (and associated costs) right away with no upfront costs. With an improved cook stove, a typical household will save around 1,700 kg biomass annually (65% reduction). Given that 49% of households that use biomass needed to purchase wood, an average family makes fuel savings of around USD 35 per year.

Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7): As less money is spent on expensive fuels, the devices increase the affordability of energy within the project region.‍ Increasing distribution of these water filtration devices and fuel-efficient stoves ensures more people have access to the energy, time- and cost-efficient technology.

Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6): Each household that purchases a water filter receives assistance with installation, training and technical after sales services. The technicians prepare and disseminate public education materials and raise awareness around the importance of water hygiene which helps expand community access to improved water supplies. Social workers maintain the project's presence in the neighborhood and also offer support. ‍

Life on Land (SDG 15): Roughly 96% of wood harvested in Guatemala is non-renewable, demonstrating highly unsustainable forest use in the country. Decreasing fuel wood use through this type of initiative eases the burden of overuse on forests and subsequently improves deforestation rates and the corresponding threat to biodiversity. Limiting deforestation can also minimize the risk of landslides and the negative impact on agricultural yields from soil erosion.‍

Gender Equality (SDG 5): The project helps households save time from cooking and collecting wood; an estimated 30 minutes per day typically spent for cooking is freed up, which women can allocate to other activities. Additionally, a majority of the social workers, often engaged as part-time employees, are women.‍

Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8): Ecofiltro and Socorro Maya create jobs in manufacturing of the products, their installation, training of households, and social work in local communities. The project estimates having 800 staff employed throughout the supply chain in both temporary and permanent roles. The supported technologies are in greater demand throughout the nation, and the sourcing of materials, production, distribution, and maintenance have a favorable effect on economic growth. This is one of only two cook stove projects running in Guatemala, and projected countrywide dissemination of the concept creates opportunities for domestic and international export.‍

Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12): Through its school clean water program, the initiative seeks to guarantee increasing awareness of sustainable consumption practices in addition to improving the efficiency of fuel-using technology. The approach involves selling or donating filters to schools in rural and peri-urban areas where the boiling of water is common practice. Before the filters are supplied, all kids are involved in a clean water education program; after the delivery of the filters, parents are invited to the school to learn about the importance of clean water, too.

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